how to do seo for website step by step
/ / How to do SEO for Website Step by Step

How to do SEO for Website Step by Step

What is SEO?

SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization, which is the process that should be taken care of parallelly with your website development. 

SEO helps to optimize the website, increasing the traffic, and improving its website ranking through organic search results in SERP.

In the digital world, Marketing plays a vital role in reaching heights in their respective businesses. As most of the business people are aware of SEO and its advantages, competition is more.

Search Engines looking for?

Search Engines consider many things on your website while ranking. Here we have listed out the most critical factors.



The most crucial factor which search engines look for is the content of the website. The content should be unique and meaningful. It should not contain any invalid contents which are not related to the site.


Search engines also look for the speed of the website. The speed, in turn, denotes the performance of the web page.


Based on the content reliability of the website, search engines decide whether the site is authoritative.

User experience

seo ux

Search engines will consider all the below factors to conclude that the page is user-friendly. They are

Navigation to other pages
The appearance of the webpage
Safety and security
Bounce rate

YMYL Pages with EAT :

“YMYL – Your Money or Your Life.”

YMYL with EAT is the most crucial factor to be followed by the bloggers to rank their websites in top position. 

The site is based on people’s safety, happiness, financial stability, and more can be termed as YMYL pages.


EAT – Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.


One should be an expert in a particular area, and the most important thing is that users should have confidence in the content. It is an added advantage to show certifications or advanced degrees, if any, to build up trust among users.


To create authoritativeness is one of the critical factors to make users trust your content on the website. By conducting seminars or workshops can help you to influence people.


Building trust among users is essential for YMYL websites as it is related to real-time factors. Be cautious while posting the factual data as it may backfire if users found any errors in your content. Better have it reviewed once.

Lets Start!

How to do SEO for Your Website Step by Step:

  1. Choose a domain name

    The factors you should consider while selecting the domain name are
    1. The name should be unique, which helps users not to end up on some other website, which has the same name or pronunciation more or less.
     2. It is better if the name is short and catchy for the user while searching the domain.
    3. It is not the fact that you should have the keyword in your domain name to rank better. It might work or may not work based on a niche.
    4. As most people are aware of online spamming, users searching for a particular domain will give more attention to the domains like “your company” instead of “,” which looks spammy.

  2. Choose the right web hosting

    Having the right hosting for your website is essential, as it plays a significant role in attracting more users towards your website. You can get high speed and platform-specific sites, which helps to build up happy customers.

  3. Proper Site Architecture

    The proper site architecture helps the user to land on the appropriate content of the website quickly. Ideally, following Filing Cabinet Analogy for your website architecture gives more clarity to the website’s content to the user.

    The Architecture in Filing cabinet Analogy:
    Cabinet – The website
    Drawer – high-level category
    Folder – subcategory
    File – individual page

  4. Research the right keywords for target page

    Doing keyword research to determine which kind of keywords your audiences are using to search a product or services will help you to rank your website on top of the search engines.

    While doing keyword research, one should consider the below-mentioned factors.
    1. Know for which phrase variations a user is using to search for a product or services.
    2. Analyze for the keyword which is being searched frequently.

    We have several tools to do keyword research such as
    1. Ahrefs
    3. Ubersuggest
    4. GoogleSuggest

  5. Craft your content

    Crafting the content is the main factor in converting visitors into customers. Always write the content to satisfy your customers instead of fulfilling the search engine requirements to rank the website on top.

    To reach more customers, the content should be reliable, relatable, precise, and understandable. The quality of the content should be high to build trust among your users, which helps to retain your website’s customers. It is better to concentrate more on the title, keywords, subtopics, appearance, and conclusion of the webpage.

  6. Optimise your Website

    You need to look into some of the factors while optimizing your website to rank higher in search engines. They are

    SEO-friendly URL structure:
    Giving importance to the URL structure made a significant difference in getting traffic. Having unnecessary punctuations and irrelevant words in the URLs made both the user and the search engine confused about its purpose. 

    The title tag:
    Have a unique title tag for each page. The title should describe the web page. It should convince the user to click on the title. It’s better to include the name of your product or the main topic you are going to cover in that particular webpage to give a clear understanding of the content to the user.

    The meta description tag:
    The meta description tag is the one that will display along with the title tag in the search engine results. So it is necessary to have a meta description that tells about your website and attracts users to click and read the web page further. Anyway, It won’t help you to rank your website higher, and it gives you potential customers.

    Like title and meta description tags, headings should also be unique and related to the content inside it. The user and the search engine should at least get an idea about the content by seeing the heading itself. Always have a single h1 tag in each of the web pages, not more than that.

    Alt tags:
    Adding Alt tags helps the search engine bots to see the images on your website. It also helps to list your website during image search results. It is necessary to have a content-related text for Alt text. The same goes for the logo image also.

    Interlinking is a process of providing links for a particular phrase or word and gives more clarity about the topic to the user. It also helps the search engines to have a clear idea about the website. While providing interlinking, A blogger should think of two things.
    1. It is relevant to the topic
    2. It is useful to the user

    External Linking:
    External linking is providing the link to other websites which are specific or usable to the appropriate content in the specified topic. You should think of the user before linking whether they will have an interest in knowing about that particular content.

  7. Technical SEO Setup

    We have tools that are very helpful to get data related to your site. Setting up those tools will help to improve the ranking of your website.

    Set up and verify Google Analytics:
    Google Analytics is the right choice as it gives you a lot of information, which helps you to improve the website’s quality. It will provide you information such as
    1. How many visitors view your page per month
    2. Which page is most popular among users
    Based on the details provided by Google Analytics, you will get an idea of what you need to improve to attract more users for your web page. The added advantage is that Google Analytics is an open-source tool.

    Set up Google Search Console:
    Like Google analytics, Search console also gives you the information which is very useful to get an idea about your website. It provides you a piece of information such as 

    1. What are the search terms which sends you, customers
    2. Who has linking your website in their website
    3. What are all the problems that need to be fixed quickly and more

    Install an SEO plugin:
    Installing an SEO plugin will help you to maintain your website by following all SEO standards with ease. It contains all the features you need to improve the standard of your website and are available for free in the market.

    Robots.txt file contains the information like the pages a search engine can crawl on your website and what need not. It is doing this by using the command, such as allow and disallow.

    Sitemap.xml is a kind of roadmap to your website. It helps search engines to crawl your site effectively even though your internal linking is not proper.

  8. Earn links

    Nowadays, linking plays a significant role in reaching wider audiences. More than earning links quickly, you need to get quality and authority sites linking. You can earn links in several ways. Some of them are
    1. The content which you are publishing should be purposeful and worth sharing it
    2. You can convince the influencers about the quality of the content and make them share it, which builds trust among users about your content.

  9. Things to consider for page ranking

    Mobile Usability:
    Your website must work correctly on laptops, desktops, mobile phones, and more. Nowadays, through mobile devices, sites are gaining 56% of traffic. So It is a smart move to check in all devices before launching your website.

    Website Loading Time:
    Customer satisfaction is the key factor for the website ranking in search engines. Website loading time plays a significant role in making the customers happy as no one wants to wait. It may lead to visiting other websites in the meantime and forget about your website. 

    Mobile-First Index:
    Mobile-first indexing is giving more importance to the proper view of the websites in mobile phones as we already said, the traffic you are getting through mobile is more. So Search engines rank your site based on the view on mobile phones. So It is essential to test your website view on mobiles.

SEO checklist:

SEO checklist(On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO) will provide you with a basic understanding of all the factors you are going to concentrate on while developing a website and what not. Having an SEO checklist after completing the website development is useful for you to have an idea about the pending items.


Before starting website development or SEO, you need to have an idea about the terms which we have described above. As SEO is a continuous process, You can’t stop after optimizing your website and relax.

You should compete with your competitors until the website is alive in a market. Moreover, there are no shortcuts in SEO; the amount of hard work you put gives you customers and traffic. 

So Trust me, Do your work with passion and dedication, and you will get paid for it one day for sure.

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